What is a mini course?

An online mini course is a short online course, which takes two hours or less to complete. This course format addresses a very specific topic and is often used as a growth marketing tool (a teaser for your core product).


Focus on building Strong, Intuitive and Dynamic Lead Magnets.

Just imagine for a second, how using interactive mini-courses can create a shit ton more engagement from your freebies than with just written words.  Let’s be honest, thanks to the videos a mini-course becomes much less overwhelming when compared against PDFs.  Coupled together and it’s a WIN WIN! The process is simple. Create videos as an introduction to who you are and what you bring to the table, it opens the door for different types of feedback that you can use in your high-value content as way to take your clients on a journey.

Mini-Course Framework

A mini-course will help you reach a new audience in a shorter time period due to a lower price. Your short series of lessons (usually from 1-2 modules) will help your audience achieve a specific goal.

Your Customer's Journey

When you provide value with the results being almost instant, your free, high-value content will become very valuable to them.  They’ll be more likely to take the next step without any hesitation.

If you are a consultant or coach, this process can lead your automation and create an entrance to develop a relationship with your potential client in a way that is not pushy and you’ll feel confident.  It will help them slow down, take a breath, take some form of action, and get a quick result before deciding to take out their wallets and commit to moving forward with you. This becomes a much easier process for you when you can build a relationship with your them long before meeting them.

The secret sauce here is about being able to ask questions (not like a traditional survey) that helps them get to know, like and trust you.  Once you create a strong connection, it is more of a powerful bond.  A SISTERHOOD! When you genuinely care about people, you want their experience to be more about results than just pulling out their cards.   They feel that.  When they express trust, then it’s your job to earn it.  I’ve learned this and it makes all the difference in the world! The right connection with others can lead to both parties being satisfied.

Grow Your Audience Using a Mini Course

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